Folks, please don’t believe everything you read. My last few Erotic Monkey reviews I haven’t posted on my website are definitely FAKE reviews. They didn’t happen. They said nice things but they were fake. One of them was a bit disgusting. On and off, I’ve been getting them on Erotic Monkey and I just wanted you all to know.
Over a period of time, my reviews have been a mixed bag, some great, some not so great. I feel that YMMV and everything is subjective. As we all know, men have different tastes in women. Some love tiny Asian women. Some love Black American women. Some love BBW’s and some love mature cougars but like them a bit more petite. So in all, I’ve gotten past the “being offended” period of the business and totally understand that.
I’m currently not really a BBW, and just consider myself more curvy in certain spots (the butt definitely). I haven’t had any work done (not even botox) and I don’t plan on it ever. So please remember that when you make your final visits in months to come based on my retiring from the business.
For those who have forgotten, I have a NO REVIEW policy. This means I don’t want reviews; I want any details to remain between two people: myself and the gentleman. Real gentlemen don’t kiss and tell, so please honor that. I did delist from TER a couple of years ago and put my TER reviews at the time on my website.
Hope you all have a great week!
Thank you.