Hi there, all. I know I haven’t posted much, but my web developer removed the schedule because it weighed down the servers.
Please note that unless I post otherwise on the blog, I can meet clients in Schaumburg at the apartments, but I do need the 24-hour notice.
The lady that subrents to me does subrent to other providers, so there is definitely competition regarding the locations.
I had a guy reach out at 8am last Tuesday for a 10am slot same day and I told him I couldn’t do that because the lady I subrent from usually doesn’t wake up until around 10am. If he had requested a 10am appointment the day before to book, it could have been a different story. So just keep that in mind.
Hope everything is going well! I hope to FINALLY have a newsletter to you all in the next couple of days. Much more news to share now. Business has been slow but I am making changes for the positive. If you haven’t signed up for my juicy newsletter, do sign up. There was a glitchy problem but it has been fixed.
Thank you for continuing to check in and read.